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Friday, 4 September 2015

Moving On Over

If you haven't realized already, LTNTV is no longer active and will probably be shut down very soon! I've started my own blog venture on a site called Stereotypical Life and if you want to read more crappy stuff from me- feel free to come on over and join me. I promise I'll be more reliable now!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Becoming Re-Active?

Hey Y'all, it's been decades since I've written on this blog.

And I know that I might be talking to thin air because of the fact that most people have stopped viewing this blog. But I'll give you a little update.

School and work have been really cracking down, as well as the flu. And of course, LTNTV has disbanded but I'm still keeping the company alive in blog form.

Now, I don't know how many people are still here.

So if you wouldn't mind hitting that +1 button, I would be glad to see how many people want some more LTNTV updates.

Until then,

Instagram- http://instagram.com/larryxchen
Twitter- https://twitter.com/L3SwaG
Blog- Birtlebook.blogspot.ca
Blog- Hashtagmyblog3.blogspot.ca